How to show Featured Image in blog

  • How do I show the Featured Image within the single page blog post? I looked all over and can’t find the options to do this.

    Hello Please check the below screenshot.


    Yes, I know how to choose the Featured image. What I am asking is how to SHOW it in the blog post. It doesn’t show up.

    All of the blog posts below have featured images set, but they don’t show up in the post.

    Posing: Emoting

    Model Safety

    We will check and update as soon as possible.

    Sorry, for the late replay,
    By default the theme not displaying the featured image in blog single page, we will update this issue in coming updates.

    Ok thank you can you please let me know when it’s fixed?

    Once update this featured image we will send the theme.

    When do you believe you will fix this? This issue is affecting other things: for example the Casting event pages are not showing the images either. I also installed “Events Manager” and the main event profile pic doesn’t show up for those pages either.

    Today we will update in you theme.
    We are working on woocommerce functionality in this theme. That is the reason to kate update.


    Please update this code into “single.php” file, you can find the file please follow the below steps

    Goto Theme root ssagency > inc > post-format in this you can find single.php file remove that code and add the below code

    <div class="post-image">
    <?php if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
    $imgurl=wp_get_attachment_url( get_post_thumbnail_id() ); ?>
    <?php ///ssagency_hsk_image_crop( $imgurl, 700,300 ); ?>
    <?php echo '<img src="'.esc_url($imgurl).'" alt="'.get_the_title().'" />
    '; ?>
    <?php } ?>
    <?php echo ''.the_content().'
    '; ?>

    Or please provide the FTP Access details we will update.

    We are working theme some upgrades and woocommerce functionality, so we will update the theme as soon as possible

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by support.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by support.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by support.

    this appears to be working now for blogs.

    It still doesn’t work for Projects.

    However it now works for Event Manager, so I think I am good to go. Thank you.

    It would be good if it was fixed for Projects/Castings though.

    It worked for only blog pages not to the other casting/Project.

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