No user Dashboard, and Users can't add talent posts

  • 1. The documentation says that the users will have a dashboard, but I cannot find out how to set this up.

    2. Also, I tried adding a talent post with a normal “subscriber” test account (everett76again), and I get an error saying “you don’t have permission to access this page.” I tried checking the boxes for all users under “CPT Posts Category Restriction Based On User Roels” but that didn’t help.

    3. Is there an updated version of the manual?

    username: everett
    pw: r&u63ntooX3$31f(VND7cd!K


    Can you please provide your site URL. Then only we will check the issue.


    Please once follow the below steps,

    Goto Users > roles > choose the role and select the talent check the permissions “Create Talents and Edit Talents”

    I do not see an option for that.

    here is my website:

    We will check and update to you.


    We have check your site, you didn’t installed the some of the theme plugins, like roles, slider…

    We have installed that plugins, now it working fine please check.

    If you want any to give the permissions to any role please check the below URL.

    Ok thank you but a normal user (subscriber) still can’t access the dashboard?

    Also, I created a link that says “Add Talent” and I still get “you don’t have permission to access this page”

    Can you please create different role and assign the same role permissions. Please check it once.

    Ok I am still having problems.

    1. Normal users are not automatically being assigned to the Subscribers group, even though my settings indicate the New User Default Role as “Subscriber.” I have to manually assign users to the Subscribers group.

    2. After I do that they are able to add a talent profile, but they cannot choose the Models or Photographers option, it’s just a blank field.

    Please test by registering for an account.

    Ok, we will chexk and updates to as soon as possible.

    Can you please check it the regisi form, we have updated.

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